Would you believe you cant select a note and delete it? In fact there is no delete key or delete gesture!
You think the eraser tool will let you erase the notes you drag it over. No, the programmers dont know the difference between a tool and a command.
Its impossible to know when it will create a new note even when you desperately want to add to your chord and you are in "chord mode". Half the time it adds a separate new note anyway. The next time or time after that it will probably add a note to the chord but theres rhyme or reason for it. Its a single tool with multiple action states without visual feedback. What will it do next?
You cant select a note and drop it on a chord, you cant select a note and change its duration. Wouldnt it be nice if you could circle a note or collection of notes and delete them? Nope.
To select multiple notes you select the select tool which then selects the measure and you may or may not be able to change the selection. You drag the handles and whatever the rule its not "select the highlighted notes". If you do manage that, you have to operate from a popup menu. No modeless delete, drag or modify.
Imagine in Photoshop if next to the pencil tool in the tool pallette there was a "share on Facebook" button whereas other tools are buried inside pop ups as if the programmers just added features and slapped them on wherever.
In keyboard enter mode, and in chord mode, (yes, it has layered modes), it gets confused and displays the wrong notes, then it wont let you change or edit them. Same thing with handwriting entry: it will get one note right, then when you add the next note the previous one will mutate to some random note or even collection of notes.
Complete a note and the music will reform ate but not scroll your current position back into view.
Theres a pencil tool that only operates if you have the keyboard tool popped up and selected, theres a separate finger tool that ....oh never mind.
As a former Apple employee Im sad to say this program is a disaster. There are principles and rules of UI design but these programmers never learned them.
This is one of the poorest, buggy, and frustrating UI designs Ive ever experienced.
Oh, and there is no manual for the iPad version.
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